To eliminate all your unwanted anxiety triggers you must give your intentions and follow the instructions on the audio below.

Please find a nice, quiet, place where you can feel safe to be able to follow the instructions on the audio. Now decide, what anxiety or emotional triggers you want to remove, as your subconscious mind has no limits to what negative emotions it can eliminate.

Uses your own subconscious intention.

Now, please take 3 deep breathes before listening to the audio below.

Continue to listen to the audio whenever you need to, or want to.




Calm Calm 〰️

All Your Emotions are Programmed and Triggered in the Amygdala of your Subconscious Mind.

‘INSANITY’ is, ‘Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

The conscious mind is always sceptical of any subconscious phenomenon it does not understand, except for the subconscious phenomenon of the opening of the tear duct in grief, or the broken heart feeling in relationship problems.

Tear Duct in Grief.

Broken Heart Feelings in Relationship Problems.


The Wheel

The wheel is probably the simplest and most ingenious invention of all. It's interesting that the most revolutionary ideas are usually simple and neat. You work through a myriad of increasingly complex possibilities before, inevitably, you reach a point in the sequence where you can sit back and say, 'All I needed, all along, was this'. It's often something so glaringly obvious that we can't imagine how we missed it in the first place.